What is soul? One of my friends shared this story.
She knows a violin teacher who always tells her students to “play with soul”.
At first, the students don’t understand what “playing with soul” means. But over time, they keep trying. And one day, they feel the difference.
When a violinist truly plays with soul, the audience can be moved to tears. Without it, even if the technical performance is better, the audience remain unmoved. The violinist eventually can see the difference.
So what does it mean to play with soul? Is it performing more earnestly, with greater mental focus? But then, who doesn’t perform earnestly on their own stage?
It’s mysterious, elusive, and inexplicable. But sometimes we witness “playing with soul.” We saw it in the 2004 Red Sox and the 2016 Cubs. We see it in an old master conductor whose body may have aged, but whose spirit is stronger than ever. We can’t see the soul, but I believe it’s there.
Art and music often reveal this most vividly, but I believe it applies to any kind of work.
So, are you doing your work with soul?