I was chatting with a friend recently, and we both marveled at how fast 2024 flew by. We were like, “Where did the time go?”
But we agreed – being busy is actually great. Building a business, spending time with family and loved ones, reading and writing – as long as we’re making progress and producing good work, I think being busy can actually be one of the greatest joys of life.
It also reminded me of something I’ve noticed when dealing with trolls in the past – those who are quick to criticize others’ work, while producing little work of value themselves. A common thread? They seemed to have way too much time on their hands.
If we live to 80, that’s about 4,000 weeks. Narrow it to prime working years (say, 20 to 60), and it’s only 2,000 weeks. And here we are, already in the 4th week of 2025.
Time is precious. Let’s make it count. Stay busy – busy is great.