I know a dirty little secret about some founders 🙂
They’re secretly dreaming about their next project, even while building their current business.
Why? The reasons can vary. Maybe the founder is too fatigued, or has realized their current venture isn’t as aligned with their true passions as they thought it was.
But more often, it’s driven by a positive motive – ambition. The world moves so fast, and founders, being the ambitious species they are, don’t want to miss the next big wave.
But here’s the reality: a founder still needs to bring their current company to success. If there’s no today, there’s no tomorrow. It’s like climbing mountains: you can’t reach the next peak (or even see it clearly) unless you first conquer the current peak.
All this for saying.. Get back to work! 🙂 The good news is, if you succeed with your current company, you’ll have more resources and credibility to launch your next venture.
P.S. This doesn’t mean one should keep banging their head against a brick wall, no matter what; the basic assumption here is the company is working and is past the PMF stage.