For startup founders, the true source of energy and peace is advancing the company’s business.
I’ve tried other things in the past. I’ve bought some pricey things or stayed at fancy, Instagram-worthy places, hoping those would give me some confidence booster shots.
Part of me wanted to show that, even as an early-stage founder, I wasn’t doing too bad. I had some financial cushion from previous companies, and my peers had cushy, high-paying jobs at the Googles and the Metas, so I felt the needs to show that I’m holding my own.
But none of it really mattered. People generally didn’t care (I was still that “startup guy”), and none of the things I bought gave me lasting happiness or fulfillment.
Only when the company’s business was advancing well and getting closer to fulfilling our original vision did I have true inner peace and confidence. Even some external validations followed as well — not that those matter anyway.
So, founders – don’t get distracted by material things or status symbols while you’re building the company. Simplify your goals and focus entirely on moving your business forward. That’s all that matters, both internally and externally.