How I write:
- I don’t use AI to write; I type every single word myself. I find that using GPT results in something that doesn’t sound like me at all. (I do use GPT for spell checking and proofreading.)
- I want to make sure writing doesn’t feel like work, or I put in too much time. For me, the trick is using email. I live and breathe email (yes, I’m old school). I do so many emails every day that writing one more doesn’t really make a difference. So whenever a post idea hits me, I just write an email to myself on Gmail. Later, that email becomes a post on LinkedIn. Writing in email also helps keep the posts short and casual.
- Most of my post ideas come from talking to other people. And I’m always talking to others. I learn so much from those around me, and I’m grateful for their presence in my life.
- I try to write only about what I’ve directly experienced or what I’ve heard from others in recent conversations. I don’t need to regurgitate what I read on the internet or other generic information; it’s not like the world needs more content on the internet.
- I do far more private writing, such as journaling, than public writing. For me, writing is the best way to boil unstructured thoughts down to tangible nuggets.
- I write on LinkedIn to share my experiences and knowledge and help other founders. I don’t have any other intention, such as turning this into money. I do like to gain more followers because I’m such an egomaniac 🙂
- Now, is LinkedIn the best place to publish posts? It leaves much to be desired. LinkedIn has become a place where people pop in to see others’ job updates, check their DMs (which are full of spam these days), and quickly leave. People don’t bother to see someone’s recent posts. It’s not easy to do so anyway; you need to go to someone’s profile, scroll down to find Activity, then hit See All Posts. For someone like me, who comes from the blogging world, this is pretty terrible. I don’t think Medium or Substack are good options for me because I like to share random bursts of thoughts multiple times a week. So I guess I’ll stick with LinkedIn for now..