
Warren Buffett and Bill Gates were asked the same question in separate, unrelated interviews – what was the #1 reason for their success, in their own views? Coincidentally, they both had the same answer – Focus. There’s no startup founder who doesn’t know they need to bring ruthless focus to be able to succeed. But … Continue reading Focus

The Group Chat Problem

As they say “the public internet is broken” with toxic social networks etc, the so-called private internet – ie. closed private groups – has been on the rise. But I feel like the private internet is also on the verge of breaking – at least based on my personal experience. First is the volume problem. … Continue reading The Group Chat Problem

The Porsche Effect

Universities encourage faculties to help commercialize their scientific inventions through tech IP transfer. They hold events and provide education resources. But commercializing tech IP, such as starting a tech-based startup company, isn’t easy for the faculty to do, because they don’t have bandwidth and/or sufficient management knowledge/experience, and their career goals often don’t align with … Continue reading The Porsche Effect

That One Person

Many times in life, we need That One Person. Someone said that the #1 success factor for hiring by far is having a strong internal champion who goes above and beyond to vouch for the hire. (Imagine someone yelling, “We must hire that person, otherwise I’ll quit!”) Same goes for company acquisitions. In many cases, … Continue reading That One Person

Empower Your Investors

Part of founders’ job is to empower investors with sufficient knowledge about their business, so the investors don’t ask dumb questions. In most cases, VCs won’t invest in companies where they find themselves asking dumb questions. Because it means they’re not familiar with the industry; also, no one wants to look stupid, especially VCs with … Continue reading Empower Your Investors

Do What You Enjoy

It might be just a pure coincidence that Warren Buffett (93 years old) and Charlie Munger (99 years old) have been working together in the same partnership for a long time and living a very long life, on what often doesn’t seem like particularly healthy diet. Or, there might be at least some correlation between … Continue reading Do What You Enjoy

Startup Ideas

A few quick points about coming up with startup ideas from my experience (I’m still learning about this as I go): 1/ Start with proven, well-known frameworks — there’s a reason why things like Ikigai are considered as a useful framework by many folks (i.e. finding overlapping areas among what you’re good at and enjoy, … Continue reading Startup Ideas