Doctor’s Test

For fellow soul-searchers, one potentially useful framework is what I call the “Doctor’s Test”. Imagine you got a call from your doctor, and were told (God forbid) you have a terminal illness and only have 5 years to live. How would you spend the rest of your life? If you could think of a project … Continue reading Doctor’s Test

Geography and Startups

Geography still matters for startups – i.e. the density (of smart, like-minded people) and walkability. Cities with a walkable downtown, like Boston, Austin TX, and Santa Monica (not LA) are well positioned for startup ecosystem: Graduates, startup founders, and VCs are always bumping into each other or can walk up a short distance to take … Continue reading Geography and Startups

Glimpse of Future of Jobs

What’s the future of jobs in the post-AI world? Today’s Youtubers and Twitch streamers might give us a clue. What’s the percentage of people who are making meaningful income only doing what they truly love to do? Must be very small today. But some Youtubers and Twitch streamers are already doing just that. They make … Continue reading Glimpse of Future of Jobs

Shine in Small Things

Soon after starting my career, I had a chance to meet a highly accomplished Taiwanese entrepreneur during his visit to our company. (My first job was at a Korean internet company – I worked there in lieu of the compulsive military service.) I was lucky enough to sit next to him during dinner (the fact … Continue reading Shine in Small Things

Micro Check-Ins

I often find I’m pretty bad at keeping in touch with folks. I don’t really have any good system. So what I try to do more these days is “micro check ins”: “Hey – I was reading this article/book and was thinking about you”“Just a random ping – how’s everything?”“Thought you and s/he should meet, … Continue reading Micro Check-Ins